Python Installation


We will walk through the process of installing python step by step. There are many ways to run the python code, we will install Anaconda Distribution. It will install python by default, and the development environment along with that, i.e. Jupyter Notebook in this case.

Anaconda is available for almost all major operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux.

Below are the steps to install Anaconda Distribution:-

1. Go to google and search “Anaconda download”, it will display a link to the anaconda distribution. Open the link and we will land on the below page. Click the download link. It will download the .exe file in your system.

2. Click on the downloaded .exe file to start the installation process.

3. It will open the welcome screen, there click on the next button.

4. Click on the I Agree for the license agreement.

5. We can install Anaconda for all the users who are using the system or for you only. For now, we can select just me and click next.

6. Next, you can change the installation location and click on the Next button.

7. Click on the Install button.

8. It will start the installation and once it is completed, click on the Next button.

9. Again, click on the Next button.

10. Finally, our installation is complete, and click on the Finish Button. Now the anaconda is ready to use.

Opening Jupyter Notebook

As we have already installed Anaconda, now we will learn to run Jupiter notebook using the Anaconda.

1. From the start menu, search/click on the Anaconda Navigator.

2. It will open the Anaconda Navigator. There, click on the Launch button in the Notebook section.

3. It will open the Jupyter home page. There, click on the New and then on the Python 3.

4. The Jupyter Notebook is there in front of you.


Test Yourself


  1. REPL Stands for _____________________________.
  2. Which mode of Python gives instant result?
  3. What are the two modes in which Python code can work?
  4. The IDE that comes with the default distribution of Python is called _________.
  5. The full form of IDLE is ________________________.
  6. Name one Popular no install option for Python.
  7. Name two distributions of python other than the default cpython?


  1. Read, Evaluate, Print, and Loop.
  2. Interactive.
  3. Interactive and Script.
  4. IDLE.
  5. Integrated Development and Learning Environment.
  6. Google colab.
  7. Jython – written in Java and IronPython – written in c#.