Python Type Casting Presentation

This is the presentation associated with the python type casting video.

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Python Type Casting Video Question

This is the question that was asked in the python Type Casting video

Question : What is the output of following code?
In [ ]:
num1 = "25.5"
num2 = "5"

print("Sum =", int(num1)+int(num2))
In [1]:
num1 = "25.5"
num2 = "5"

print("Sum =", int(num1)+int(num2))
ValueError                                Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-1-c312dc81eb3c> in <module>
      2 num2 = "5"
----> 4 print("Sum =", int(num1)+int(num2))

ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: '25.5'