Python Program to Calculate Area of Circle

Way 1 – Area of Circle Using user-defined pi

In [1]:
radius = float(input("Please Enter Radius : "))
pi = 3.142

area = pi*(radius**2)

print("Area of circle =", area)
Please Enter Radius : 12
Area of circle = 452.448

Here, we are asking users to enter radius and defined pi as 3.142. Then the area of the circle is calculated using the formula pi*r*r.

Way 2 – Area of Triangle Using Math Module

In [1]:
import math

radius = float(input("Please Enter Radius : "))
pi = 3.142

area = math.pi*pow(radius, 2)

print("Area of circle =", area)
Please Enter Radius : 7
Area of circle = 153.93804002589985

In this approach, we use the math module to calculate the area of the triangle. We are fetching value of pi using math.pi and using pow() function.