Python Introduction Quiz

Python Introduction

This is a quiz regarding the Python Basics.

Please go through the below topics covered in this quiz:

1. Python Introduction

2. Python First Program

3. Print() Function

4. Input() Function

5. Syntax in Python

6. Comments in Python


1) How do we comment a paragraph in Python?

2) Who Detects the Syntax Error in Python?

3) We use ____ to comment a line in Python.

4) In Python, string 'Logical Python' and "Logical Python" are same?

5) How can we print “Logical Python” in Python?

6) Python is case-sensitive programming language.

7) Which error executes the program but produces an incorrect result?

8) Which of the following about python is not true?

9) Python files are saved using which extension?

10) Who is the creator of Python?

11) When are syntax errors detected in Python?

12) What is the output of string1 + string2?

13) In Python, _________ is used to convert the source code to object code.

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